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Vanessa Watson is the owner of Living in The Second Half L.L.C a therapy practice in Montclair , NJ focused on helping people 35 and older in the second half of life. Vanessa specializes in helping adults answer questions such as “Who am I apart from being a partner, parent or employee? 

Vanessa is a licensed clinical social worker, John Hartford National Association of Social Work Supervisory Leader in Aging fellow, public speaker, clinical supervisor, and leader in issues surrounding midlife including, caregiving of older adults and young children, chronic medical illness, and aging. Vanessa understands from personal and professional experience how the act of caregiving can be extremely difficult. The role reversal alone can be difficult as caring for someone who was the foundation for your life could be challenging.

Vanessa received her bachelor’s degree in Black and Puerto Rican Studies from Hunter College, City University of New York, and her Masters’ in Social Work at Fordham University. Over 17 years Vanessa has worked in various medical and outpatient settings that allowed her to serve in multiple roles, including clinician, palliative care consultant, field instructor to social work students, Clinical Supervisor, and Director of Social Work at one of the largest skilled nursing facilities in the United States. Vanessa as a licensed social worker completed clinical trainings including certified trauma specialist, cognitive behavioral therapy, and Gottman Couples therapy level one.



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You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.
— Maya Angelou